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Vera Spender Koubek
London, England
Ana Maria.jpeg
Anamaria Bosma
Passant Awadallah
Cairo, Egypt
Mansi Jain
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ganesh Kumar
Banglore, India

Learning Paths (Self Paced)

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Reporting & Strategy

Learning Path

11 Courses (Approx 23 Hours)

Introduction to Sustainability

Sustainability Reporting Practitioner

Sustainability Reporting Practitioner
Regarding GRI Standards

SDGs Reporting Practitioner

TCFD Reporting Practitioner

Integrated Reporting Practitioner

AccountAbility Principles Practitioner

CDP Reporting Practitioner

Advanced CSRD Practitioner

ESG Communication Practitioner

IFRS Sustainability Reporting Standards (S1 & S2) Practitioner


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Learning Path

11 Courses (Approx 22 Hours)

Introduction to Sustainability

Fundamentals of Climate Change

Climate Change Risk

Climate Risk Measurement

Climate Policy & Governance

Climate Models and Scenario Analysis

Net Zero

GHG Accounting Practitioner

CDP Reporting Practitioner

TCFD Practitioner

Circular Economy Practitioner


Professional Woman

Sustainable Finance Learning Path

10 Courses (Approx 30 Hours)

Introduction to Sustainability

Sustainable Finance Masterclass

Green and Sustainable Finance Market and Instruements

Fundamentals of Climate Change

Climate Change Risk

Climate Risk Measurement

Climate Policy & Governance

Climate Models and Scenario Analysis

Net Zero

TCFD Practitioner


Young businessman

Advanced CSRD Practitioner

​Learn about the structure of ESRS, Cross-cutting – ESRS 1 and ESRS 2, Double Materiality as the basis for sustainability disclosures in ESRS.

  • Structure of ESRS

  • Complying with ESRS

  • Cross-cutting Standards – ESRS 1 and ESRS 2

  • Topical ESRS – Environment, Social and Governance

  • Process of reporting using ESRS

  • Double Materiality as the basis for sustainability disclosures in ESRS

  • Stakeholders and their role in materiality assessment process

  • Understanding Impact Materiality

  • Understanding Financial Material

  • Application of materiality in complying with ESRS

  • Preparation and presentation of sustainability information

  • Comparison of IFRS and ESRS 1 and ESRS 2

  • Comparison of TCFD and ESRS

  • Overlap of ESRS with GRI Standards

  • Post Assessment (80% passing score)


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning + 1 Hour Coaching

Duration: Approx 5 Hours

Female Accountant

Sustainability Reporting Practitioner

Gain deeper knowledge on sustainability reporting practices using the most popular ESG Reporting Frameworks and standards. The Sustainability Reporting Practitioner course is designed for sustainability professionals who want to expand their understanding of sustainability reporting concepts and practices. The course explains the four most popular global sustainability reporting standards and their similarities and differences and broadly explains how to use these standards.

In this course you will learn:

  • Sustainability and Its challenges

  • What is Sustainability Reporting

  • COVID-19 and its impacts on Sustainability Reporting

  • Different Sustainability Reporting Standards

    • GRI​

    • IR

    • CDP

    • SASB

    • TCFD

  • Post Assessment (80% passing score)


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 2.5 Hours

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Accountant at Work

Sustainability Reporting Practitioner

Regarding GRI Standards

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Learn about the most widely used global sustainability reporting standard through the GRI Reporting Practitioner course. 

In this course you will learn:

  • The structure of GRI Standards

  • Process of reporting using GRI Standards

    • Applying the GRI Reporting Principles​

    • Reporting General Disclosures

    • Identifying material topics 

    • Reporting on material topics

    • Presenting the information to report

  • Post Assessment (80% passing score)

€195 (English & Chinese)

€50 (Spanish)

Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1.5 Hours

Managing Home Finances

Integrated Reporting Practitioner

The program leads to learning outcomes identified by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) that support leading practice in integrated reporting. The program has been developed in accordance with the official <IR> Competence Matrix.

Learn how to communicate concisely about your company's strategy, governance, performance, and prospects in a way that reflects the commercial, social, and environmental context within which it operates.

In the Integrated Reporting Practitioner training course, you will learn about the concept of how an organization creates, preserves, or erodes value over time and the different capitals that it interacts with. Further, you will understand the seven Guiding Principles and the eight Content Elements in the International <IR> Framework. Overall, you will go through all the requirements to be in accordance with the <IR> Framework.


After completing this part, you will be able to:


  • Describe the IIRC, its purpose, mission, vision and structure

  • Describe the drivers behind the development of integrated reporting

  • Describe the objectives and structure of the International Integrated Reporting Framework

  • Explain the terms integrated reporting, integrated thinking and integrated report and the relationship between them

  • Describe the place of integrated reporting within the wider statutory, regulatory and voluntary reporting landscape

  • Explain the benefits of adopting integrated reporting

  • Explain the differences and similarities between integrated reporting and other forms of reporting

  • Describe the main users of an integrated report


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 3 Hours

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Executive Making a Phone Call


Learn about the climate-related risks and opportunities and how to report on them through the TCFD Practitioner course. This course starts by providing a background on the evolution of TCFD, its benefits, and the structure of the recommendations. It then goes into the details of the TCFD recommendations within the four core elements - Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets. Each core element and the recommended disclosures include case studies and examples to enhance the learning experience.

In this course you will learn:

  • Evolution of TCFD

  • Benefits of TCFD

  • Recommendations by TCFD

  • The core elements of recommended climate-related financial disclosures

  • Structure of TCFD recommendations

  • Principles for effective disclosures

  • Scenarios for identifying and assessing the potential implications of future states under conditions of uncertainty

  • Recommended disclosures 

  • Post Assessment (80% passing score)


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1.5 Hours

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Young Businesswoman


Learn about CDP and how to measure and manage environmental impacts through participation in CDP's climate change, forests, and water security questionnaires. With the largest data set on corporate and city action, the world's economy looks to CDP as the gold standard for environmental reporting. This course starts by providing a background on climate change, the work of CDP, and its vision and mission. It then goes into the details of the key themes and boundary setting. Thereafter, the Climate change questionnaire structure and details are explained through practical examples of how organizations respond to the critical parts of the questionnaire. The course ends with an explanation of the scoring methodology of CDP and practical tips for organizations to keep in mind while responding to the CDP questionnaires.

In this course you will learn:

  • Why climate change is a global concern

  • The vision and mission of CDP and why it is needed

  • The structure of CDP

  • The organizational breadth of the CDP

  • The key themes and mapping opportunities of CDP

  • The importance of greenhouse gas accounting

  • The boundary setting related to greenhouse gas accounting

  • The different sections and categorization of the climate change questionnaire

  • The different CDP scoring principles and their categories

  • Post Assessment (80% passing score)


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1 Hour 15 Mins

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Smiling Man


SDGs Reporting

Expand your knowledge of SDGs through the SDGs Reporting Practioner course by learning about the six steps to guide you in SDG reporting. This course starts with an explanation of the SDGs and their targets. Further, it provides information on why the SDGs matter for businesses, their role in achieving them, and the possible challenges faced. The course provides six practical steps, including company examples, that businesses can follow in SDG reporting.

In this course you will learn:

  • What are SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)​

  • What are the targets mentioned under the SDGs?​

  • Why SDGs matter for business​

  • What are the opportunities that SDGs provide to us?​

  • What role can we play in achieving them?​

  • What challenges do companies face in addressing the SDGs?​

  • How can SDGs be used in setting business priorities?​

  • How to report on the SDGs​?

    • Six steps to guide you in SDG reporting​

  • Examples of companies that have efficiently shown how they contribute to the SDGs​

  • Post Assessment (80% passing score)


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1.5 Hours

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Sustain Report

Circular Economy

Enhance your understanding of the concept of circular economy through the Circular Economy Practitioner course. The course is designed for professionals who want to gain knowledge on circular economy principles and their understanding of how to implement these principles in the context of their organization. The course provides case studies on how different organizations have adopted the circular economy concepts.

In this course you will learn:

  • 2 types of economies

  • Disadvantages of a Linear Economy

  • Principles of the Circular Economy

  • Building blocks of the Circular Economy

  • Case Studies on how businesses are adopting Circular Economy

  • ​Barriers to the  implementation of a Circular Economy

  • What are the Circular Gap report and Circulytics tool?

  • Post Assessment (80% passing score)


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1.5 Hours

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Professional Male

Accountability Principles Practitioner

The AA1000AP (2018) is an internationally accepted, principles-based framework that guides organizations through the process of identifying, prioritizing, and responding to sustainability challenges, with the goal of improving long-term performance. This practitioner-level course will detail how to apply the fundamentals of sustainability management rooted in the AccountAbility Principles of Inclusivity, Materiality, Responsiveness, and Impact.


In this course you will learn:


  • Evolution of AA1000 Series of Standards

  • Value of Sustainability Management

  • How AA1000AP supports Sustainability Management in organizations

  • The Four AccountAbility Principles

  • How they are interrelated

  • How to apply the principles


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1.5 Hours

Take The Course
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Confident Businessman

ESG Communication Practitioner

The ESG Communication Practitioner course aims to help individuals effectively communicate their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives and activities to stakeholders.

In this course you will learn:


  • The five-step communications model and the opportunities for your organization.

  • The significance of communication where you will gain insight on how incorporating ESG elements can enhance your communication strategies and reinforce the mission of your organization.

  • What ways you should and should not communicate on ESG or sustainability and you will have some tangible ideas on how to get started and what kind of campaigns you could develop.

  • With the help of scenarios and real life examples we bring to light how companies are going about their ESG communication, successes, criticisms.

This course is designed by The Terrace, a leading ESG communication agency based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1 Hour

Take The Course
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Introduction to Sustainability

This course introduces the concept of sustainability, a fundamental pillar in modern finance. This chapter provides an overview of sustainability principles, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. It explores the importance of integrating sustainability considerations into investment decisions and risk management practices. Additionally, the chapter discusses key frameworks and standards for assessing sustainability performance, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). Overall, it lays the groundwork for understanding the role of sustainability in shaping the future of finance.

In this course you will learn:


  • The definition of sustainability and differentiation between sustainability and concepts like ESG and climate risk

  • UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Sustainability at Corporations and Financial institutions, and

  • Sustainability in Private Sector


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 2.5 Hour

Intro to sust

Foundations of Climate Change

This course delves into the critical topic of climate change. It covers the fundamental concepts, causes, and impacts of climate change on both a global and local scale. The chapter explores the scientific evidence behind climate change, including rising temperatures, sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and their implications for ecosystems, economies, and societies worldwide. Additionally, it discusses mitigation and adaptation strategies to address climate change challenges and the role of sustainable finance in promoting climate resilience.

In this course you will learn:


  • Define climate change and differentiate between weather and climate.

  • Know the general trends of modern climate change, such as observed surface temperature, sea ice coverage, etc.

  • Describe how the earth’s climate has changed over long periods of time and different methods for measuring non-anthropogenic climatic changes at different time frames.

  • Understand how the earth’s energy balance, green-house effect, and radiative forcing affect the climate.

  • Know the primary greenhouse gases and aerosols, their sources, and relative contribution to climate change.

  • Understand the implications of different greenhouse gas global warming potentials as well as atmospheric lifetimes.

  • Summarize how humans have contributed to atmospheric CO2 increases and modern warming.

  • Understand the distribution, frequency, and intensity of climate-driven economic and ecological impacts across geography and time.

  • Understand contributors to, and risks from, sea level rise and ocean acidification.

  • Describe extreme-event attribution science and the data and techniques scientists use to connect climate change to extreme weather events.

  • Understand and describe how positive feedbacks influence climate change. 

  • Describe how climate tipping points could disrupt natural systems and harm human well-being.  

  • Explain the different approaches and key considerations of climate change adaptation, including maladaptation.   

  • Discuss trends in the energy system and how energy sources can contribute to or mitigate climate change. Understand the relative carbon intensities of energy sources.

  • Identify opportunities and strategies for renewable and low-emissions energy technology to act as climate mitigants. Discuss specific challenges (example intermittency) deploying each technology.    

  • Understand the opportunities and drawbacks of implementing geoengineering techniques to combat climate change.    

  • Explain carbon budgets and emissions trajectories to stay within mitigation targets. Know key numeric global emissions limits, commitments, and scenario paths.


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 3 Hour

Climate Change
Businessman Portrait

Climate Change Risk

This course delves into the intricate realm of climate change risks. This chapter comprehensively examines the various risks associated with climate change, encompassing physical, transition, and liability risks. It explores how climate-related events, such as extreme weather phenomena and regulatory changes, can pose significant challenges to businesses, economies, and financial markets. 

Upon completing this module, you will be able to​:

  • Describe how climate risk can translate to financial risk.​

  • Differentiate between physical and transition risks.​

  • Understand how hazards or drivers, exposure, and vulnerability interact to manifest physical and transition risks and provide examples of each.​

  • Define stranded assets and discuss how different sectors may experience stranded asset risk.​

  • Define and differentiate acute and chronic hazards and provide examples of each.​

  • Discuss uncertainty, variability, and accuracy in hazard model predictions (e.g. frequency and timeframes).

  • Identify data challenges modeling direct physical risk. Understand the current state of climate hazard data availability and which issues organizations must consider when interpreting climate risk data.​

  • Define and provide examples of indirect risks.​

  • Discuss how physical and transition risks can provide opportunities for companies and sectors.​

  • Identify the drivers of transition risk. Categorize transition risks (e.g. technology and market) and provide examples of each.​

  • Discuss human capital as a stranded asset and the challenges associated with asset stranding and a just transition, and​

  • Understand current industry trends for each transition risk category and strategies companies can take to reduce risk or capture climate-related opportunities.


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 3 Hour

Climate Risk
Man in Grey Suit

Climate Risk Measurement and Management

This course centers on climate risk measurement and management. It delves into the methodologies and tools used to quantify and assess climate-related risks faced by organizations and financial institutions. This chapter explores techniques such as scenario analysis, stress testing, and climate risk modeling to evaluate the potential impacts of climate change on portfolios and investments. Moreover, it discusses strategies and best practices for integrating climate risk considerations into risk management frameworks and decision-making processes.

Upon completing this module, you will be able to​:

  • Explain how climate risk can manifest as financial risk through micro and macro economic transmission channels. 

  • Describe how climate risk affects company-level risks, including operational, credit, liquidity, and underwriting risk – and under which conditions  these risk types could pose system-level risks.

  • Understand the associated risk metrics for and components of each risk type. 

  • Understand the potential for climate risk to cause systemic risk and a threat to financial stability. 

  • Describe the risk types that can have systemic effects, including market and sovereign risks.

  • Describe Climate Value at Risk (C V A R) and its uses.

  • Describe data types and analytical tools to measure transition and physical risks at the company-level and their sources.

  • Understand how to measure transition and physical risks at the portfolio level.

  • Examine how climate risk drivers can be incorporated into existing ERM frameworks.

  • Discuss how ERM frameworks are used in practice using case studies and examples.


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 2 Hour

Risk Measure
Young Businesswoman

Sustainability and Climate Policy Culture and Governance

This course covers sustainability policies, culture, and governance. It explores how regulations, organizational culture, and governance structures influence sustainability initiatives and responses to climate change. This chapter highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement and transparency in fostering a culture of sustainability within organizations.

Upon completing this module, you will be able to​:


  • Discuss the evolution of international climate policy.

  • Understand the relative scale of emissions by country.

  • Summarize the history, outcomes, and obligations of major international climate agreements, and distinguish them from the goals set in the Paris Agreement.

  • Understand characteristics of the Paris Agreement.

  • Explain the structure, benefits, and drawbacks of carbon pricing policies, including carbon taxes and emissions trading schemes. 

  • Describe sector-specific climate policies, such as the transportation and power generation sectors.

  • Explain how climate policy occurs at the national and subnational levels.

  • Describe and differentiate Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

  • Recognize the challenges associated with accounting for Scope 3 emissions.

  • Differentiate the types of private-sector sustainability and climate investment policies, and how public policy has been used to promote adoption of green finance.

  • Describe the function, purpose, and challenges of green taxonomies.

  • Discuss how central banks incorporate climate change into supervision practices.

  • Identify methods used to enforce sustainable investment and disclosure policies.

  • Describe the trends in private-sector climate frameworks and identify important climate groupings.

  • Understand the differences between climate-related risk and nature-related risk.

  • Explain the broader societal and cultural impacts of climate change and policies.


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 2 Hour

Headshot of Mid Adult Man

Climate Models and Scenario Analysis

This course focuses on climate models and scenario analysis. This chapter explores the use of various modeling techniques to assess the potential impacts of climate change on financial markets, investments, and business operations. It delves into the development and application of climate scenarios to simulate different future climate outcomes and their implications for risk management and decision-making. Additionally, the chapter discusses the integration of climate models and scenario analysis into financial institutions' risk management frameworks to enhance resilience and preparedness.

Upon completing this module, you will be able to​:


  • Define climate scenario analysis and explain how organizations use scenario analysis.

  • Explain the definition and purpose of global net-zero scenarios including carbon removal.

  • Describe IPCC scenarios and associated representative concentration pathways (RCPs) and shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) and understand their differences.

  • Describe IEA scenarios and other key global reference scenarios. 

  • Understand the parameters that organizations need to consider for scenario development.

  • Explain how scenario analysis is used for assessing transition risk.

  • Describe IAMs and their uses.

  • Explain how scenario analysis is used for assessing physical risk.

  • Examine how corporations (financial and non-financial) use climate scenario analysis.

  • Describe benefits of scenario analysis for companies.

  • Explain different aspects of climate scenario analysis using case studies.

  • Describe how financial firms use climate scenario analysis for the investment process and climate risk exposure management.

  • And Explain different aspects of climate scenario analysis using case studies.


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 2 Hour

Confident Businessman

Introduction to
Net Zero

This course focuses on the concept of net zero. This chapter explores the principles and strategies behind achieving net zero emissions, whereby the amount of greenhouse gases emitted is balanced by the amount removed from the atmosphere. It examines the importance of net zero targets in mitigating climate change and the role of businesses, governments, and individuals in transitioning to a net zero economy. Additionally, the chapter discusses key challenges and opportunities associated with pursuing net zero goals, as well as the implications for financial institutions and investors.

Upon completing this module, you will be able to​:

  • Explain the concept of net zero and how it relates to global climate goals.

  • Discuss the types of key alliances in the UN Race to Zero.

  • Explain the challenges of reaching net-zero for the public and private sectors.

  • Describe the key attributes of national net-zero target strategies and emissions reduction approaches.

  • Summarize how the GHG Protocol can be used by subnational governments.

  • Describe the factors that affect different sectors’ abilities to achieve net zero.

  • Describe how organizations use transition plans to pursue net-zero carbon emissions and the tools private-sector actors can use to verify the credibility of net-zero commitments.

  • Describe how net-zero pathways and interim targets are key to achieving credible and attainable net-zero targets across sectors.

  • Identify carbon-related metrics and discuss how carbon-related metrics are used in reporting and project selection.

  • Understand metrics used for net zero portfolio alignment, considering strengths and weaknesses.

  • And Describe the net-zero disclosure landscape and key stakeholders.


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 2 Hour

Net Zero

This course focuses on green and sustainable finance markets and instruments. It examines the growing significance of financing solutions aimed at addressing environmental and social challenges. This chapter explores various financial products and instruments, such as green bonds, sustainable loans, and impact investing. Additionally, it discusses the role of financial institutions, policymakers, and investors in driving the growth of sustainable finance markets.

Upon completing this module, you will be able to​:


  • Define and describe sustainable, green, and climate finance and understand their application.

  • Identify trends and flows in sustainable, green, and climate finance.

  • Describe green, social, and sustainable bonds.

  • Explain the core components of the Green Bond Principles.

  • Explain green loans and their markets.

  • Define and describe sustainability-linked bonds and loans.

  • Describe sustainable funds, green funds, and other sustainable finance products.

  • Understand the integration of ESG and climate issues into investment and lending decisions.

  • Understand how shareholders impact the sustainability strategy of a company.

  • Describe the existing and emerging approaches to defining sustainable and green finance.

  • Explain the trends in ESG disclosure requirements for companies.

  • Identify regulatory trends in sustainable and green finance.


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1.5 Hours

Green Market Instru.
Confident Businesswoman

Understanding Sustainable Finance” provides a comprehensive overview of sustainable finance risks and opportunities for financial professionals at all levels through eight engaging 30-40 minute modules. Featuring dynamic, interactive content from sustainable finance expert Andrew Mitchell, it will educate, upskill and empower professionals to develop their sustainable finance and ESG offering.

In this course you will learn:


  • What Sustainable Finance means, and how it is connected to ESG

  • Understand the possible/ probable benefits Finance Service Providers (FSP) will experience by engaging with ESG.

  • Understand how each role within the service provision/trustee differs with regards to theirESG responsibility.

  • Understand the benefits that a bold/proactive sustainable finance strategy could bring to a business.

  • What are the Global Drivers of Sustainable Finance

  • Fiduciary Duty and Sustainable Finance

  • Measuring Performance - Data, Metrics and Tools

  • Next Gen Priorities - Understanding Family Office, Asset Owners and ESG

  • What is investing for impact

  • What does the future hold?


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 6 Hour

Take The Course

By Andrew Mitchell 

In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, the urgency to address climate change has never been more pressing. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, originating from human activities, significantly contribute to the planet's warming and subsequent environmental degradation. By understanding the significance of GHG accounting, individuals and organizations can effectively navigate the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient future, ensuring environmental integrity while simultaneously fostering economic prosperity.

In this course you will learn:

  • What activities produce GHG emissions

  • Scopes 1,2 and 3

  • Using emissions factors

  • Converting to carbon equivalents using global warming potential

  • Science and politics of global climate goals

  • Model institutional steps to reduce GHG emissions

  • Setting emissions targets

  • Choosing emission reduction measures


Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 1.5 Hour

Coming Soon!
Sust. Finance
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