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Our GRI Consulting team helps companies with end to end GRI reporting process. We start with helping the companies identify their ESG impacts on the economy, environment, and society. We guide companies in the steps to identify key stakeholders and do the materiality analysis.

We also work with companies to do a gap analysis on how to transition to the most recent GRI Universal Standards.
And finally, to put everything together, we help with defining sustainability strategy, establishing themes, and developing messaging. 


Our GRI experts have worked with several corporates and governments on various assignments related to GRI reporting.


Materiality is the core concept in sustainability reporting. Our experts are knowledgeable in the details of how to implement financial materiality as well as double materiality. Based on the needs of the reporting companies, our team guides them on which ESG standard(s) to use and further helps the companies in implementing the various steps in materiality assessment for identification and prioritization of ESG topics. With these steps, we help companies with this critical process of Materiality analysis to determine their ESG topics. We carefully align those topics with the international sustainability frameworks and help companies in identifying the type and depth of information required to include in their report.



Our experts help companies in planning and implementing their Stakeholder Engagement process. We provide support with several steps in this process, starting from identifying stakeholders, prioritizing the key stakeholders, developing surveys for several stakeholder groups, identifying engagement channels and interview planning.


We also help in identifying ongoing stakeholder engagement opportunities in different projects that can be incorporated throughout the reporting process.


Finally, we help in analyzing the results from the stakeholder engagement process. 


Our team provides capacity building programs for several large and medium companies to become self sufficient in ESG capabilities.


We provide customized workshops and training sessions for the entire company or for specific staff in the company i.e. sustainability teams, middle management and/or CXOs.


Subjects include:


- ESG Reporting

- Materiality

- Stakeholder Engagement




Dubai City View

Development of Reporting Standards

Saudi Arabia has adopted an ambitious national vision, a blueprint for the future, as embodied in the Saudi Vision 2030.

In 2020, Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Commerce launched the National Sustainability Reporting Standards.


These Standards were developed based on GRI’s sustainability reporting standards, SDGs and other inter-governmental instruments. The project was an initiative by the Ministry of Commerce to enhance and internationalize the Saudi business environment while meeting the Kingdom’s 2030 vision to increase the competitiveness of Saudi companies.



Seaside Construction

Materiality Assessment for
a US based company

Our team is working with several companies for their Materiality Assessment.

One of these projects is with a US based company in mining business. Our team is working with the client to support them in updating their materiality assessment. This involves identifying topics based on their sector, gathering inputs about the outward impacts of the company, collecting inputs from internal and external stakeholders and prioritizing the topics to define materiality.


Also in line with the updates to the GRI's Universal Standards, our team is working with the company to do a gap analysis from their last report to provide inputs on the changes and updates in their upcoming report, based on the latest GRI Universal Standards.

Urban Skyline

Capacity Building to write first Sustainability Report

Earth Academy designed a very specific coaching program to support the sustainability reporting team of a large conglomerate and all its subsidiaries to get them prepared for their first sustainability report.


This included kick-off workshops for the management, specific technical coaching for the sustainability reporting team and customized one to one sessions for the specific staff to support with specific issues.




Earth Academy on ESG

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